The journey begins, welcome to my site..

Welcome to my corner of the internet world and thank you for stopping by! I am a person of varied interests and hopefully you will see that come out in this site.

Blogging and writing, I have been working on my first novel for a long time now, the attached blog that outlines my journey and the other blog that I have started which is dedicated to my boys I am hopeful that it may help other fathers too.

Photography is a passion of mine and periodically you can check back and find links to my photography and my on again-off again photography business.

University work. I work in higher education and it is definitely not something that is the same day in and day out..Check things out as I offer a thought or two on topics that cross my desk.

You’ll see some things about my family too as they are the cornerstone for me.

This is a work in progress as I learn more and get more involved in different things, come back by from time to time and see the progress.

Enjoy your visit,

Stop and say hello